Day 103 Report

.Day 103 - 6/9/07 - 20kms from Waikere

Steve's Report: It was an early start getting on the river before 7.30am. I took the samples for the Simmonds and Bristow analysis, handed them to Jonathan and took off. Only 37km and lock 3 to negotiate and then it is off to Brisbane for the crew change over. So, there was no stopping, just a sprint to the end.

We left the trailer and the kayaks at Liz Frankel's place 20km upstream of Waikere (more about Liz next week). Thanks Liz.

Unfortunately the rear glass on the canopy shattered today so that was a job to do at home and we will try to panel beat the bumper and guard when there. Seems like they don't design the glass to take the load of a falling kayak.

Contrasting banks Check out where this tree is growing And this one
Must be something in the water here
with the pelicans and shags
The wind bounces off these cliffs and it is not always
easy to tell which direction it is going to come from
This place is for sale if you are interested
More cliffs You see a quite a few paddle wheelers on the river Yee Hah, the end for the day and a rest for four days
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